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[The Core Functionality] Operations with ImagesComputer Vision 2020. 7. 25. 20:58
https://docs.opencv.org/master/d5/d98/tutorial_mat_operations.html OpenCV: Operations with images Prev Tutorial: Mask operations on matrices Next Tutorial: Adding (blending) two images using OpenCV Input/Output Images Load an image from a file: C++ Mat img = imread(filename); Java Mat img = Imgcodecs.imread(filename); Python If you read a jpg file, a 3 docs.opencv.org Input & Output Image 로드하기 M..
[The Core Functionality] Mask Operations on MaticesComputer Vision 2020. 7. 25. 18:55
https://docs.opencv.org/master/d7/d37/tutorial_mat_mask_operations.html OpenCV: Mask operations on matrices Prev Tutorial: How to scan images, lookup tables and time measurement with OpenCV Next Tutorial: Operations with images Mask operations on matrices are quite simple. The idea is that we recalculate each pixel's value in an image according to a mask matrix docs.opencv.org 행렬에 대한 마스크 작업은 매우 ..
[The Core Functionality] How to scan Images, Lookup tables with Open CVComputer Vision 2020. 7. 25. 18:04
https://docs.opencv.org/master/db/da5/tutorial_how_to_scan_images.html OpenCV: How to scan images, lookup tables and time measurement with OpenCV Prev Tutorial: Mat - The Basic Image Container Next Tutorial: Mask operations on matrices Goal We'll seek answers for the following questions: How to go through each and every pixel of an image? How are OpenCV matrix values stored? How to measure the p..
[Introduction to OpenCV] Load, Modify, and Save an ImageComputer Vision 2020. 7. 25. 17:09
https://docs.opencv.org/2.4/doc/tutorials/introduction/load_save_image/load_save_image.html#load-save-image Load, Modify, and Save an Image — OpenCV documentation Result When you run your program you should get something like this: And if you check in your folder (in my case images), you should have a newly .jpg file named Gray_Image.jpg: Congratulations, you are done with this tutorial..
[ Introduction to OpenCV ] Load and Display an ImageComputer Vision 2020. 7. 25. 17:01
https://docs.opencv.org/2.4/doc/tutorials/introduction/display_image/display_image.html#display-image Load and Display an Image — OpenCV documentation In OpenCV 2 we have multiple modules. Each one takes care of a different area or approach towards image processing. You could already observe this in the structure of the user guide of these tutorials itself. Before you use any of them yo..
[The Core Functionality] Mat - The Basic Image ContainerComputer Vision 2020. 7. 25. 16:35
https://docs.opencv.org/2.4/doc/tutorials/core/mat_the_basic_image_container/mat_the_basic_image_container.html#matthebasicimagecontainer Mat - The Basic Image Container — OpenCV documentation Goal We have multiple ways to acquire digital images from the real world: digital cameras, scanners, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging to name a few. In every case what we (human..
X code 에서 Open CV 환경 만들기.Computer Vision 2020. 7. 25. 02:52
영상 처리 공부하다가 Open CV 실습을 해야해서 환경 셋팅을 했다. Max os 환경에 Open CV 설치해서 X code 에서 c++ 로 Open CV 다루기. 1. Homebrew 통해서 Open CV 패키지 설치. 2. Xcode에 Open CV 라이브러리 링크. Homebrew 설치 brew.sh/index_ko Homebrew The Missing Package Manager for macOS (or Linux). brew.sh 사이트에 있는 스크립트를 복사해서 터미널에서 실행시킨다. /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)" Password 입력하고 기다리면 ..
TU.1 교환학생 서류 작성하기_1TU Chemnitz 교환학생일기 2019. 4. 26. 21:19
19년 2학기 대학교 4학년 막 학기에 교환학생을 간다. 갈 대학교는 독일의 켐니츠(쳄니츠)공과대학. 독일의 켐니츠라는 작은 소도시에 있다. 작센에서는 세 번째로 큰 대학. https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/index.html.en Technische Universität Chemnitz 58 items on the agenda – on 4 May 2019, prospective students can get informed about all of the courses at Chemnitz University and enjoy “TUCtag” www.tu-chemnitz.de 가서 나는 Computer Science 과에서 공부를 하고싶다. 일단 듣고 싶은 과목 ) Advanced Plat..